Saturday, April 25, 2015

Final Trunk Show

Yesterday may have been LONG but today was LONGER. I woke up around 7:30 to finish making necklaces and setting everything up. I had set up a fair amount yesterday so setting up the items wouldn't be the long part, it would be labeling them. This is always my least favorite part. So for each necklace I add a tag to it with an inventory number and a price, it doesn't seem that hard but it sure is annoying. I stopped making necklaces around 11:30 to allow myself an hour to label everything and attach the tags and still be done with 30 minutes to spare. My very first trunk show was stressful because I hadn't tagged anything until about 30 minutes before and I had no idea how long it would take. I finished tagging everything around 12:20 and had my first customer around 12:30, it is not uncommon that people come early so I have realized that I need to prepare for that. The show went on from 1:00 to 3:30. Typically I get the most people from 1:00-1:30 and then for the next two hours people come sporadically. Overall the show went pretty well! Each show is so different so it's hard to compare them to each other and base how well a show did compared to a previous one. After the show I went through and checked over everything that sold and everything that was left. Once all of that was done I took a break from all things jewelry.
Below are some pictures of how i set up the show! The last two pictures are pictures of the pave diamond table and the very last picture includes pendants and clasp necklaces. Those necklaces are interesting because you buy the necklace separate from the pendant and it is interchangeable therefore you can buy one or several and switch them out.


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